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I Just Need a Damn Hug... Then Counseling

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Managing my mental health is almost as difficult as managing a dragon. You never know when you are pissing it off and you never know when the flames are going to come out. I guess that was part of the problem with me. I always get extremely agitated and aggressive when people try to help; believe me, I am just as confused by my reaction as they are. For this reason, most people won't dare reach out and help me, even when I needed it the most. Today, I needed it the most. As if the past week hadn't been rough, today was an even greater challenge. For ten years, I have faced this day with a smile. For some reason, that just wasn't the case. I tried to reach out to others because I know I have friends who love and support me- or so I thought. The once thoughtful response of my best friend, turned into an, "I'm sorry, best of luck," text. Clearly, they need a break from my emotions and I need to find a better outlet. Something perhaps, less violent and loud, and something more creative and productive. Maybe this journey will help me sort out myself and find my true passions, all while helping me become less aggressive and mean to those who love and support me. Maybe, just maybe.

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